Fans of the UFC have known for years about the fight league’s president Dana White and his habit of slamming “goofs” on Twitter that talk smack about him or his sport. But now that White has entered into the political world by agreeing to appear as a speaker at Donald Trump’s unconventional Republican National Convention, a whole new group of people are learning about his elite internet trash talking skills.
Several major political outlets dug into the brash promoter’s social media history, resulting in headlines like this:
RNC Speaker Once Threatened to 'Rub [His] Nuts' on a Detractor's Mom's Face https://t.co/WcVUs5Wl1I pic.twitter.com/NsqjYFu1EB
— Mediaite (@Mediaite) July 14, 2016
The Daily Beast went so far as to search for all the instances where Dana White talked about his nuts on Twitter. Turns out he’s done it A LOT:
His tweets also indicate a high level of interest in the testicles of UFC fighter Fedor Emelianenko. “ur a jackass get fedors nuts outta ur mouth,” he tweeted at user @PJ2661gambler on Valentine’s Day of 2011.
On July 1, 2010, he posited that user @fjbar75 “will have to remove fedors nuts from his tonsils!!! Boooooo hooooooo fedorrrrrrrrr!”
He sometimes took a protective stance to Emelianenko’s genitalia. “stop swingin on fedors nuts and get your own life you loser!” he wrote to user @RUSSIAandSERBIA on June 30, 2010.
He was less protective of other men’s balls.
“I hope you get kicked in the nuts. Twice!!” he tweeted at one now-defunct account on May 25, 2010.
Politico also pointed out the vile hypocrisy of the God and golf loving Trump canoodling with avowed atheist and golf-hater White.
Trump said last year during a Family Leadership Summit in Ames, Iowa, that he loves God. And the Trump Organization, which owns 17 golf clubs, labels Trump “an avid golfer” on its site.
But White, who told Playboy he was an atheist, said: “I don’t believe in God, the devil, ghosts or any of that s—. But I’m still fascinated by religion — how violent and crazy it is. That stuff sticks with you.”
As for golf? “I f—ing hate golf,” he said. “It’s a stupid game and a waste of time and good land.”
With journalists digging six years back on social media to find dirt on anyone speaking at Donald Trump’s RNC event, it’s no wonder The Donald has gone and hired the UFC’s former head of public affairs to deal with all the negative attacks they receive. But knowing how Trump’s popularity works, his support amongst folks who enjoy testicle related humor probably just shot up another 25 percent. Nice try, lamestream news media!