Did An ESPN Reporter Fabricate A Story About Robert Griffin III?

Stop me if you’re heard this one before but there’s a controversy in the Washington Redskins organization. I know, I’m just as shocked as you. This latest hullabaloo centers on Robert Griffin III and a wild accusation by ESPN’s Brit McHenry. According to McHenry, Griffin’s teammates disrespected him in a meeting last week.

When Griffin began addressing the media in the locker room on Friday for the first time since dislocating his left ankle in Week 2, about 15 teammates began shouting. It was so loud and distracting, the franchise quarterback — and reporters — had to leave the locker room so Griffin could speak someplace where he could be heard. That’s when the cheering got even more boisterous.

A source familiar with the incident told ESPN’s Britt McHenry that Griffin has “alienated himself” from the locker room.

And here’s where it gets dicey. Other reporters, specifically local ones from the Washington Post, vehemently disagreed with McHenry’s tale of events.

I often defer to local reporters when this stuff happens. Jealously aside (and trust me, there’s a lot of that), they know the lay of the land better than the national folks. McHenry appears to have gotten the story wrong here. It’s as simple as that. Outside looking in, she misinterpreted the situation. That’s why SO MANY reporters spoke up about it. Not because they were beat to a juicy story, but because the story was factually wrong.

[Washington Post]