Dwight Howard = Cookie Puss

At least he’s not doing Fudgie the Whale. Eesh.

Burnsy has spent a lot of time writing about the hows, whens and whys of Dwight Howard eventual/suddenly leaving the Orlando Magic, so much so that his photoshop of Howard Superman-dunking with a suitcase is nearly as old as my editorship. So it’s somewhat fitting to know that while the good people of Orlando are busy writing and performing desperate anthems to keep Howard in town, Dwight is using his remaining time with the Magic to the fullest, i.e. trying to eat a cookie off of his face without using his hands. This is some serious “why is Obama filling out an NCAA tournament bracket” type sh*t.

The best part of the video is either how its inanity and pointlessness is immediately followed with an artsy, wistful retrospective on Wilt Chamberlain’s 100 point game, or imagining that the cookie on Dwight’s forehead is one of those huge ones from the mall and his dome is just that big. Next, they should challenge him to eat a large pizza like that.

[h/t to Buzzfeed]