Nobody Is Going To Floyd Mayweather’s So-Called ‘Last Fight’

Floyd Mayweather and Andre Berto
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You’ll be shocked to hear this, but there are thousands of tickets available for Saturday’s fight between Floyd Mayweather and Andre Berto. But why? Why would anybody skip out on such an exciting match-up between a defensive stalwart and a guy who lost three of his last five fights?

Yep, this is the bed you’ve made, Floyd. Now lie in it.

According to ESPN’s Darren Rovell, there are 2,100 seats available on Ticketmaster, “and that doesn’t even count the tickets that are typically held by the promoters.” We checked StubHub to get an idea of price and availability, and, suffice to say, you can probably get in the door for $200.

Even more astounding are the number of seats available in huge chunks. We’re talking 10+ in some spots.

Floyd has tried to play this up as his last fight, and has gone on record saying as much. But this is boxing, and this is Floyd Mayweather, and this is me telling you nope, not true. Floyd is going for 50-0. His ego (and his bank account) simply won’t allow him to stop before breaking Rocky Marciano’s prestigious record.

Maybe, just maybe, fans will be treated to something special for that fight. As for this one on Saturday, don’t even bother. Floyd will win by unanimous decision.

(Via ESPN)