George H.W. Bush Hung Out With The Houston Texans Cheerleaders, Did Not Fandango

As you may know, the Houston Texans cheerleaders are my favorite. They’re a fun bunch of ladies who aren’t afraid to Fandango on the Internet between the Monday Fandango was cool and the Monday he was violently ruined.

Here they are hanging out with the 41st President of the United States, George H.W. Bush, and his amazing, amazing socks. Look at those things. I bet even Derrick Bateman doesn’t own socks that patriotic.

President George H.W. Bush recently spent some time with the Houston Texans Cheerleaders and a few photos and videos were snapped. The former President was on hand to present roses to the newest selected 2013-2014 Houston Texans Cheerleaders. The President presented each of the 35 girls with a red rose, and also had time to thank the ones who visited him while he was in the hospital recently. (via Next Impulse Sports)

All political preferences and discussion aside, this is sweet. Here’s the follow-up picture, featuring George making a perfectly reasonable face to be made around a Houston Texans cheerleader whether you’ve been the leader of the free world or not.

Also included in the update is a clip from Vine, which I am officially too old to enjoy or understand. I was okay with Myspace and Facebook, I learned to love Twitter, but yeah, no, Vine makes me feel like I have Alzheimer’s. Like my brain has stopped functioning properly and I’m lost in a Spike Jonze movie or something.

BRB, while you enjoy this I’m going to order a gross of those socks.