Just as modern space travel is capable of reaching ludicrous speeds, college football halftime performances have now reached ludicrous prices. (We’re sorry about the dad jokes.)
According to the Macon Telegraph, “The University of Georgia Athletic Association paid Ludacris and his crew $65,000 for the 15-minute performance he put on before the G-Day spring game kicked off, according to a contract obtained via the Open Records Act. Georgia also provided local ground transportation for the show.”
To be clear, that’s sixty-five thousand for one show. Six. Five. Three zeros. The paper states that the concert came together at the last minute after other negotiations had fallen through.
The price alone is eye-opening, but so is the list of demands on Ludacris’ rider, which included several various types of liquor and a box of Trojan Magnum condoms. Ludacris is going to get pretty much whatever he wants anyway on a rider, but given the tight deadline, Georgia’s hand was even more forced. Still, getting Ludacris is a big deal, especially for something like a meaningless spring game. Since spring games are little more than glorified scrimmages where the stats don’t matter, you have to give fans another reason to come out. This would certainly qualify as a good one.
(Via Macon Telegraph)