A Rogue Golf Cart Drove Itself Into A Lake At The Travelers Championship

The golf world is currently in turmoil over the departure of a number of top stars to the Saudi-backed LIV Golf Tour, with the PGA scrambling to find money to combat the giant purses and guaranteed signing bonuses for its best players. The entire saga has been exhausting for golf fans and luckily Thursday’s first round of the Travelers Championship at TPC River Highlands in Connecticut provided a moment of unadulterated joy for fans to ignore the concerns about the future of the sport for awhile.

During the opening round, a group on the 16th green suddenly stopped play and stared off into the distance, as something was causing a commotion. When the camera finally panned over to what it was, we were treated to a rogue, unmanned golf cart flying down a hill, past a lackluster effort from a volunteer, and directly into the lake where it sunk to the bottom.

It’s hard to express how much joy this video has brought me and I hope you watch it again and again as well. Knowing the lake is there, when they cut to the wild golf cart we know that’s where it’s headed but it still is quite the journey to end up in its watery grave. How it got on the loose we may never know, but my favorite part is this guy trying in vain to figure out how he can stop it, only to realize there’s no slowing it down and dodging it as it dives into the lake.

golf cart

RIP to that golf cart and someone has some explaining to do about how that thing got cooking down the hill with no one in it.