Here Are The Details Of Terry Francona Accidentally Peeing On Himself During A Game

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In the fourth inning of the Indians-Cubs game at Wrigley Field on Tuesday, Cleveland outfielder Michael Bourn was ejected from the game by umpire Phil Cuzzi. Normally, when a player is ejected from a game, the team’s manager will quickly rush onto the field to defend his player. In this instance, however, Indians manager Terry Francona was a bit preoccupied at the time… as he was relieving himself at a urinal near the visitor’s dugout.

So, what do you do if you’re the manager, and a situation arises that requires your immediate attention while you’re standing at a urinal? Well, as reported by Jay Cohen of the Associated Press, you zip up and head on out, even if you weren’t quite finished.

“I was trying to go to the bathroom,” Francona said. “Can’t even do that in peace. I heard the guys yelling and started trying to get myself in order. All I did was really kind of pee on myself.”

He then showed reporters the spot on his pants that left him high and not-so-dry.

So, if you’re still looking for reasons why Francona is the best, urine luck; when his players are pissed off, he’s willing to get pissed on.

[via CBS Sports]