Earlier today, Miami Dolphins fans went into a fun tizzy over an image that Dwayne Johnson shared on Twitter and Instagram from the set of the upcoming HBO series Ballers. That’s because The Rock was wearing the team’s classic white uniform, and for once, it wasn’t because owner Stephen Ross sold off another percent of the team to random celebrities who needed extra exposure. Instead, Rocky is wearing the uniform because he plays a retired pro football player in the latest HBO series being produced by his Pain & Gain co-star Mark Wahlberg, and fortunately, the image was grabbed by BroBible and several South Florida media outlets because it vanished almost immediately.
Debuting in June, Ballers tells the fictitious story of a variety of sports figures, including Johnson’s retired “baller,” as well as “a highly spiritual pro athlete, financial adviser, sports agent, ESPN sideline reporter and ex-wife of a pro football player.” What’s most interesting is that the pilot was written by Wahlberg’s manager, Steve Levinson, who has only previously written three episodes of Entourage. Say what you want about Wahlberg, but that man takes care of the people close to him.