It’s Britt, Bitch

With the NFL labor deal reportedly eminent, technically-unemployed football guys should be finishing up all the activities they’d get in trouble for otherwise. Case in point: this picture of Tennessee Titans wide receiver Kenny Britt on stage at a Britney Spears concert, being handcuffed to a chair and having his neck ridden by an oafish middle-aged woman. I’m not sure where Britney Spears was when this photo was taken, but I think she would’ve enjoyed it.

Here are two additional pictures, courtesy of Black Sports Online. Click for the larger versions.

Hopefully as the day goes on we’ll have more important football news to share, like the end of the lockout, or at least those pics of Dorin Dickerson being gay birthed from a colossal mirrorball cocoon at the Lady Gaga show.

[via Hot Clicks]