Nothing like getting so worked up while driving that you need to throw stuff and chase down opposing drivers. That’s what happened in a road rage incident between Cleveland Browns corner Justin Gilbert and a fellow driver in Middleburg Heights, Ohio. ESPN Cleveland reports that Gilbert wasn’t injured in the accident that capped off the incident, but does provide some insight for what happened to light the spark:
The incident originated on I-71 south in Middleburg Heights and involved a 55-year-old Parma man in a Ford Mustang, Safran said.
One car cut the other off and “they exchanged middle finger gestures,” Safran said. At a stop, Gilbert tossed a paper cup with tobacco juice out the window and it landed on the other man’s windshield.
The man in the Mustang then chased Gilbert in the Challenger on I-71. They exited on Rt. 303 and raced to W. 130th St., where Gilbert lost control northbound in a drainage ditch.
Both drivers called 9-1-1. After interviewing both drivers, Gilbert was cited for lack of reasonable control and the Parma man for disorderly conduct for chasing Gilbert’s vehicle.
One of the 911 calls reported that the driver of the Mustang was “driving like a maniac” and prompted Gilbert to throw the cup. Not a good move on either man’s part. Why an MLB manager has never done the same in a rage against an umpire is beyond me. I guess respect for the game, but that seems a little bit old school for my tastes. Show em how you really feel.
(Via ESPN Cleveland / Deadspin)