I’m not one to narc on a beautiful woman having a good time, but here’s a clip of Sports Illustrated cover girl Kate Upton — 20-year old Kate Upton — enjoying a clear, yellow-ish beverage in a transparent plastic cup at a Detroit Tigers home game over the weekend. She’s in Michigan, so there’s a chance the cup’s just full of urine (or SoBe … you know SoBe has a truck with a fire hose attached waiting outside her home at all times), but whatever. She’s got all the necessary tools to enjoy Journey and we shouldn’t fault her for that.
For anyone expressing sincere outrage (and I know you’re out there), our friends at Guyism summed it up best:
Oooh, where’s the TMZ investigative team? I eagerly await Harvey Levin breaking this down with the title, “Kate Upton drinking: Are her boobs real?”
Video is below. Don’t stop believin’.
Oh God, I just realized that she probably knows that song from ‘Glee’.