Keith Olbermann Wants Everybody To Cool It With The Derek Jeter Worship

Keith Olbermann has been on a nonstop tear ever since he got back into the business of HOT SPORTS TAKES, and today he really laid it all out there and tested his luck by attempting to take down the athlete of the moment – Derek Jeter. The Captain’s farewell tour is coming to an end, but as we’ve all seen throughout the season, in every city that Jeter has played in (multiple times), organizations and their fans just can’t get enough of saying goodbye to the guy who is widely regarded as one of the classiest and best players to ever wear the glorious pinstripes of the New York Yankees. This probably won’t go over too well with Bronx baseball faithful.

Olbermann not only calls the hoopla surrounding Jeter a ridiculous cash grab by the Yankees and basically everyone else in baseball and memorabilia sales, but he also thinks it’s absurd that guys like Jorge Posada, and so many fans under the age of 40, are calling Jeter the greatest Yankee of all-time, when there are guys like Babe Ruth, Mickey Mantle and Joe DiMaggio, among many others, who were significantly better. But before you start shaking those fists in rage, Olbermann has plenty of statistics for you, too.

If Olbermann thought the political nuts had it out for him, wait ’til Yankees fans watch this.

(H/T to the Big Lead)