“Cards Against Humanity” is known as a “party game for horrible people,” so it’s pretty clear from the get-go that this isn’t just another round of Scattegories for the people in your parents’ hardcore swingers parties to use as an icebreaker. For example, former Tour de France champion and world famous lying sack of cheating lies, Lance Armstrong, Tweeted a photo of a card that he pulled during a fun game of CAH with friends yesterday, and to say the result was awkward would do an injustice to the way that Armstrong raised the bar for all things awkward when he had to admit that he lied about never using PEDs. Admittedly, I’m a little disappointed that he didn’t Vine his reaction to the card.
Interestingly enough, this awkward moment came just two days after the Daily Mail reported on some growing outrage over CAH in England, as representatives for the family a missing girl named Madeleine McCann have demanded that the game remove a card that makes a joke of her situation from future additions. The British version also has cards that make light of Auschwitz and “Chunks of dead prostitutes,” so anyone unfamiliar with the game probably thinks the American version is just watered down versions of those jokes.
(H/T to Mashable)