It’s Lance Armstrong’s Oprah Interview Mixed And Mashed Into Radiohead’s ‘Creep’

I’m more affected by the fact that Radiohead’s “Creep” is old enough to drink than I am by anything that Lance Armstrong says lately, which is why I only watched the former 7-time Tour de France champion’s interview with Oprah Winfrey so I could burn a few thousand calories by practicing my eye roll exercises. But you already know everything that went down in that interview from Armstrong admitting that he used more drugs than your parents in the 70s and Oprah’s nip slip that may have been part of a strange dream of mine.

Fortunately, from the ashes of disgrace rises the Internet’s creativity, as a brilliant man named Matthijs Vlot chopped up Armstrong’s interview with Oprah and turned it into a delightful cover of Radiohead’s “Creep”, which is quite a fitting song for the athlete who deceived the entire world.

But is it the most fitting song? Probably, but I still have another request.

Creep from Matthijs_Vlot on Vimeo.

It’s hard to deny the awesomeness of that video. However, I have a short attention span and I want more. I want Manti Te’o’s interview with Katie Couric turned into Henry Rollins’ “Liar”.

And if there’s time, I want the New York Jets’ 2012 blooper reel set to beck’s “Loser”.

That can just be the Buttfumble on loop. I’m not picky.

(H/T to Spin, banner via Aspen Photo /