Magic Johnson Promises To Wear A Blue Speedo If The Dodgers Win The World Series

After the Los Angeles Dodgers defeated the Arizona Diamondbacks and clinched the National League West title and a playoff berth, the players decided to take a dip in the D-Backs’ stadium pool, and that didn’t go over too well with the home team. And I think it was sports writer Amanda Rykoff who Tweeted something along the lines of, “If you don’t want the winning team swimming in your pool, don’t have a pool in your stadium.” Truer words have never been typed in 140 characters or less.

Dodgers partial owner Magic Johnson was a guest on The Tonight Show last night and he explained to Jay Leno that he apologized to Arizona’s ownership after that little celebration, but he also vowed to wear a Dodgers Speedo if Yasiel Puig and Co. can bring a World Series title back to the City of Angels for the first time since 1988. So if seeing a 54-year old man partially naked is your bag, then the Dodgers are your team in these MLB playoffs.