Michael Bennett Used An Award Acceptance Speech To Take A Shot At Cam Newton

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Cam Newton was battered and bruised all day in his humbling defeat at Super Bowl 50, and yet all he can hear about this week is how he should have been nicer about it (among other, even more ludicrous potshots). Now Seattle Seahawks defensive end Michael Bennett, seen above being the consummate sportsman, has jumped on the pile.

Speaking at a banquet naming him the Seattle area Sports Star Of The Year, Bennett addressed the runners-up for the award (who included Nelson Cruz of the Mariners and Clint Dempsey of the Sounders) and said, “I hope you guys aren’t sore losers like Cam Newton.” Solid podium humor, Mike. It barely even qualifies as a burn, considering Cam Newton applied the same label to himself, but Bennett was in Seattle, where hating on Cam is basically a local pastime.

It’s hard to fault Bennett here, considering that speaking in front of a large cocktail event is the personal nightmare of so many of us. When you’re up there, you’re desperate for a laugh to let you know you’re doing well. And when you’re desperate for a laugh in Seattle, bag on Cam Newton. You’re doing your city proud.

(Via seattlepi.com)