NASCAR Reporter Fired For Being A Fan

As a casual fan of NASCAR, I’ll be the first to admit that watching cars turn left can be incredibly intense at times, so that’s why I was a little upset when I read a story about Sports Illustrated recently firing NASCAR writer Tom Bowles for cheering in the press box after 20-year old rookie Trevor Bayne took the checkered flag at the Daytona 500 on Feb. 20. Bowles’ reaction to the overwhelming underdog victory drew criticism and anger from his peers, which I like to picture as them spittin’ chaw on his ma’s new carpet.

Of course Bowles defended himself, saying that he’s a fan at heart and the heat of the moment got the best of him. He also pointed out that Bayne was greeted with an ovation in the media center for his post-race interview. But that don’t darn well matter on the big boy circuit, so they handled this showdown like real men… on Twitter.

On Twitter, Bowles went at it with several of the top NASCAR reporters in the sport about the issue of applauding in the media center. Twitter is read by tons of NASCAR folks, including the high-ranking management. Bowles did not back down and things got pretty personal between himself and several reporters. (Via The Daly Planet)

If this story really tugs at your heartland strings, then you can read Bowles’ reaction to the negative response and his firing on his site, Front Stretch, which I believe is a double entendre for a racing term and a beer gut. But I was shocked to learn that Twitter was such a haven for NASCAR fans, yet it makes perfect sense – they can’t spell or count higher than 140. Settle down *removes front teeth, holds up three fingers* I’m a NASCAR fan, too. In fact, I just found out that Twitter will sponsor a car next season…