Northern Iowa’s QB Walked Around Campus And Asked People About Northern Iowa’s QB

If you’ve never heard of the University of Northern Iowa’s quarterback Sawyer Kollmorgen, you’re not alone. When I first read the name, I just assumed that he was a character on Girls. But as for the people in Cedar Falls, they don’t have much of an excuse for not recognizing the leader of the local football team, because what else are they watching? Friends reruns? Probably. They’re on every channel on TV at some point.

Taking a page from Matt Harvey’s book, Kollmorgen walked around and asked the locals what they thought of Sawyer Kollmorgen, and the results are probably what you’d expect. Sadly, I’d love it if just one person responded, “That dude sucks!” and then threw a pie in his face. We should bring back pie-throwing is what I’m trying to say here.

(Via the Des Moines Register)