OJ Simpson Is Selling The Knife He Might Have Used To Kill His Wife

As always, if a story comes from the National Enquirer and is picked up by the likes of Perez Hilton and the Daily Mail, then we need to take it with a grain of salt, but after everything that OJ Simpson has been through over the past 17 years, f*ck it. According to a report in today’s new issue of the Enquirer, Simpson is allegedly trying to quietly sell the knife that he used to kill his ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson and her lover Ronald Goldman. You know, if he had actually done it.

Almost two decades after the gruesome double murders that captivated the nation, the former NFL hero — who is currently serving time for a Nevada armed robbery — is reportedly trying to profit from his alleged cold–blooded crime by negotiating a $5 million deal, an insider told theEnquirer.

“O.J. wants the deal to be a well-kept secret,” confided the source. “He’s looking for a strictly cash deal so that the money can be deposited in offshore accounts and can’t be traced directly to him.”

It was long speculated that Simpson either dumped the knife in a trash can after allegedly committing the June 1994 killings before jumping on a flight to Chicago, or took it with him and disposed of it in a park, but the source told the Enquirer that both rumors were “red herrings.” (Via Q95)

Sorry, all I can think of to this day whenever someone uses the phrase “red herring” is A Pup Named Scooby Doo and Fred’s obsession with Red Herring. Man, that was an underrated cartoon.

As for this “news”, if this is true, would it really surprise you? The guy wrote a book entitled, “If I Did It” that explained how he would have actually murdered Nicole if he had done it. The only thing less shocking than the Juice trying to sell the murder weapon as a collectible would be Kris Jenner brokering the deal. Also, this guy has to announce the sale…