An Orioles Catcher Is Heading To The Disabled List With Injured Balls

The Baltimore Orioles will be without catcher Caleb Joseph for a few weeks while he, um, nurses (?) a pair of injured testicles.

Joseph took a foul ball to the crotch during the eighth inning of Monday’s game against the Red Sox in Baltimore. Red Sox first baseman Travis Shaw checked a swing and foul tipped a pitch straight into Joseph’s balls, leaving the catcher in very obvious discomfort. Joseph stayed in the game but was taken to a hospital for further evaluation following the game.

The aftermath obviously wasn’t pretty because, on Tuesday, the Orioles placed Joseph on the 15-Day DL with what they’re calling a “testicular injury.” That does not sound fun.

Hopefully he was wearing a protective cup when this went down, but often times there’s only so much one of those things can do. It’s like a car airbag — it can soften the blow, but that doesn’t always mean you’re going to escape unscathed.

I’m not a doctor and have no idea what the “rehab” is for an injury like this, but I would assume Joseph will spend his next few weeks being quite cautious and moving very gingerly. His days will probably consist mainly of Netflix with an ice pack between his thighs at home. Not exactly the ideal ‘Netflix & Chill’ but that’s about as good as you’re gonna get when your testicles are on medical leave.