When you have a pro career spanning 17 years, not to mention a few more years in college, you’re going to cross paths with a lot of people. Some of them are going to affect your life. In other instances, you’re going to affect theirs.
The recently retired Peyton Manning knows this better than most, and he’s crossed paths with some of the biggest names in football at any level. He’s also crossed paths with people you and I will never know.
What we do know now, thanks to Gatorade, is that Manning had a habit of crafting hand-written letters to many of the people he’s come into contact with over the years. Some are closer to him than others — much closer, in fact — and some are more well-known. The ad above has a laundry list of cameos, including Manning’s former coach Tony Dungy, who have been on the receiving end of these hand-written notes.
These are small gestures when they’re looked at individually, but when you start tallying them up, you see just how big an impact Manning had on others by doing something simple. You also realize that it doesn’t matter if you’re famous or not, notes like those mean a lot.
So check out the video and you’ll see that even the biggest names appreciate the littlest things.