Peyton Manning Banked More Money In His Career Than Any Player In NFL History

peyton manning
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Now that Peyton Manning has officially retired, the question on everyone’s mind is: what will he do next? If he wants to go into broadcasting, he has suitors lining up to woo him to their network. If he wants to do nothing but hang out with Papa John and hum Nationwide jingles for the rest of his life, he can do that, too.

One thing Manning doesn’t have to concern himself with, however, is how he’ll make money. That’s because, according to Fox Sports, he made more money over the course of his playing career than any other NFL player ever has.

In salary alone, Manning made over $248 million between his 18 seasons (17 in which he played) with the Colts and Broncos. According to Forbes, he’s already made another $150 million in endorsements. It’s a staggering sum, but when you consider the all-encompassing effect he had on the teams he led (and his effectiveness as a pitchman), it doesn’t seem right than anyone would have outearned him.

He’s nowhere near done making money, either. In the Fox Sports article, a senior marketing executive noted that if nothing else, Manning stands to make a killing as a paid speaker for business events. It’s good to be Peyton.

(Via Fox Sports)