Ray Rice Is Also Being Kicked Out Of ‘Madden 15’

EA Games will be sending out a patch for their new Madden ’15 video game to remove all traces of former Baltimore Ravens running back / garbage human being Ray Rice, who was caught on tape punching his then-fiancée Janay Rice in the face and casually acting like it was business as usual for a garbage human being like him. What a bastard.

Madden ’15 will be updated by this Friday to remove indefinitely-suspended taintbadger Ray Rice from all roster lists, as reported by both Fox’s Mike Garafolo and USA Today’s Brett Molina.


Good. I hope Rice’s fallback is going to work for Comcast.

“Rice” is also a blocked word on all Ravens GIFs in EA Sports’ Madden GIFerator, but that hasn’t stopped users from finding other ways around the ban:

Good Lord, that is some messed-up, morbid GIF-ing, and it’s only a tiny sliver of what’s going on over at EA’s site. Stay classy, Internet.

Via Kotaku and Fark