Between Bill Nye’s appearance on Good Morning America and Neil deGrasse Tyson‘s back-and-forth on Twitter and Facebook, a lot of sciency-wiency explanations have been give for both sides of the #DeflateGate debate. New England Patriots coach Bill Belichick even went so far as to make a My Cousin Vinny reference during his science-fueled press conference last week — thereby establishing Tomei’s Law, the logical successor (but by no means replacement for) Godwin’s Law.
Now it seems someone on the ground in Phoenix is distributing laminated flyers addressed to NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell with “just a little math & physics” on it. Supposedly, he or she (a) knows enough science to provide a few formulas, (b) wants to settle the scientific argument about deflated footballs, and (c) is a Pats fan.
The image was originally posted to the /r/Patriots subreddit, so (c) is a given. Perhaps the source is one of Boston’s many MIT or Harvard-trained scientists, an odd breed that swings between hardcore Masshole fandom and Eddie Redmayne-like levels of debilitating genius.
“Wait, what about Tomei’s Law?” Oh, that’s when an unlikely person happens to be a highly intelligent expert at something others would be surprised by. So just as Tomei’s character Mona Lisa Vito was an automobile expert, this Pats fan in Phoenix knows “just a little math & physics.” Unfortunately, they don’t know how to spell Goodell’s last name.
(Via Reddit)