VIDEO: Foul ball lands near President Bush:
I’m terrible at political humor. Here’s a video of President George W. Bush almost getting hit in the face with a foul ball. It missed him, but Bush swiftly combatted the threat by sending tens of thousands of soldiers into the Rangers Ballpark, where they will remain for the next ten years. That’s pretty good. Now for the Conservative joke! Here’s a video of President George W. Bush almost getting hit in the face with a foul ball. A ball also got hit toward Barack Obama, but he couldn’t decide whether or not to let it hit him. And now, a ragtime parody song!
The best part of the video has got to be Nolan Ryan’s wife freaking the hell out and covering her head in terror as though she’s never seen a baseball in her life. The Bushes react like most people would, a mix of “oh cool a ball is coming toward us” and “oh sh** a ball is coming toward us.” Nolan just calmly tries to catch it. Is there any way we could convince Nolan Ryan to be our President? I don’t care if he has a chain of beef restaurants, I’d trust him with my life.
[H/T Sportress]