The Florida Gators Have Removed Aaron Hernandez’s All-American Brick

Yesterday, the judge in the Aaron Hernandez trial granted the prosecution more time to present evidence to the grand jury for its case that the former New England Patriots tight end at least “orchestrated” the murder of Odin Lloyd, or possibly did it himself. According to NBC News, Hernandez’s defense team tried to stop the extension in order to proceed with the probable cause hearing next Wednesday, but that will instead take place on Aug. 22, leaving Hernandez to continue to spend his days in prison without bail.

So that’s where Hernandez’s trial currently stands – albeit with the prosecution reportedly possessing a figurative buttload of evidence – but the accused murderer still hasn’t been convicted of anything. Of course, that hasn’t stopped the Pats from releasing him and offering fans free jerseys of other players in exchange for their Hernandez gear, and it certainly didn’t stop the Florida Gators from removing his All-American brick from Ben Hill Griffin Stadium this morning.

Meanwhile, sports reporter Julie Quittner Tweeted this photo of the removed slab that will be sent back to the plant in Lake City. Of course, I’m sure that some UF alum would gladly pay a few hundred bucks to make it a garden step.

In the grand scheme of destroying a man’s life, I think the next step is that his girlfriend visits Hernandez in prison to tell him that she’s leaving him for his best friend and/or brother, and then a small child will spit at him in the town square, before an angry mob appears and throws vegetables at him.

(Banner image via University of Florida sports media professor Ted Spiker, who probably hears a lot of Airplane! jokes.)