Two nights ago, after the Miami Heat lost a third straight game to the Boston Celtics in the Eastern Conference Finals, the Internet was introduced to its newest star – The “Good Job, Good Effort” Kid. We didn’t know much about this young lad, other than he didn’t really understand the enormity of Game 5 and that he has the oblivious enthusiasm of Kenneth from 30 Rock. Either way, people loved hearing him shout that losing effort battle cry as LeBron James and Dwyane Wade sulked off the court.
And thank goodness Ihosvani Rodriguez of the Sun Sentinel still has that investigatory urge, because the aftermath of “Good Job, Good Effort” was a vulture-like corpse cleaning of Internet tough guys fighting over who ran the phrase to Custom Ink the fastest. Rordriguez discovered the true identity of the young boy, and got to the bottom of his enthusiasm. Was it sincere or was it trolling?
“For those people who thought I was being sarcastic, you’re wrong,” [9-year old Jack] Meyer said at his family’s Coral Gables home Wednesday. “I was being enthusiastic. I was saying the truth. I would never hurt the Heat’s feelings like that.”
“Based on their expressions, they didn’t seem happy being beaten by four points. I wanted to cheer them up,” he said. “I really meant it.”
Good lord, that’s adorably refreshing. Granted, I doubt James, Wade, or any Heat fan feels that way, but it’s still a little heartwarming once the laughter subsides.
Of course, as we all know, memes die like matches in the wind these days, so his fame should be expiring as soon as the ECF ends, whether tonight or after a thrilling Game 7, like my gut tells me. Regardless, I can only hope Jack carries his enthusiasm over into next season after the Heat either trade one of the Big 3 or allow Wade to continue his downward spiral into the angriest man on the planet.
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