Wheel of Fortune is hard. Going on any game show is, really. But in the moment, with the bright lights on and big money on the line, it’s easy to make mistakes. Mispronunciations have befallen many contestants on The Wheel, but that wasn’t what caused some chaos on Friday night’s broadcast.
Unfortunately, there were some struggles all around on this one. But one particular miss was extra painful. The category was “Fun and Games,” but the answer was anything but. There are eight blanks on the board when our doomed contestant spins for $700 and calls out D. There are six Ds, good for $4200 and a mostly-solved puzzle. All of “Doing” is there now, and the first letter of the last two words is all that’s missing.
“Pat, I’m ready to solve,” the contestant who was absolutely not ready then said. And so the clock starts and an answer is needed. It does not go very well.
“Doing headstands and… oh my goodness,” she stumbled as Pat tried to encourage her to get it together. She had it! Well, half of it.
“Doing _eadstands & _andstands.”
What do you see there? If you know the last letter is an “H” and the last letter is used on both words, you’re in the money. But if you think there might be two different letters there… oh no. And that’s exactly what happened.
After the miss, Nate got it right away. And people felt pretty bad for her, but mostly everyone online wanted to know what sort of fun and/or game a “bandstand” was.
Later in the episode another contestant, Nimota, had a bad miss of her own.
it’s getting worse and worse tonight#wheeloffortune #idiots pic.twitter.com/O3fXzgHfPo— ᴄʜʀɪꜱᴛoᴘʜᴇʀ ✭ (@hbtc23) March 9, 2019
That also got a lot of reaction online. But this tweet is only true in some markets!
there's not a sharper IQ drop on television than the fade out between Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune https://t.co/2stJkCv7cz
— Kyle Neubeck (@KyleNeubeck) March 9, 2019
Anyway, we feel pretty bad about the miss. It could happen to anyone, especially if you consider musical venues to be either fun or games.