10 Current TV Shows With Opening Credit Sequences That You Just Can’t Skip Over

As with most things in life, we often skip over TV show opening credits to get to the good stuff. If you marathon a show on your laptop, most of the time you’re going to skip over the opening credits because you’ve seen it so many times that it’s just in the way of getting to your show. But then there are the opening credits that are so awesome that you need to watch them just to put you in the mindset for the rest of the show. So, with that, here are the top ten current TV show opening credits that you can’t skip over.


I can’t even think of a time where I watched Justified and skipped over the opening credits. It has everything you could want. Timothy Olyphant silhouetted in a mysterious and dangerous environment as that heart beat like drum blends into a twangy guitar.


The weird thing about Game of Thrones is that not only can you not skip the opening credits, you know the feeling of watching a new episode’s opening credits versus a repeats opening credits. Each opening is a little different to represent each location that is featured with the episode, but the music feels different when it’s new. A new episodes booming opening after the HBO sequence gives me nothing but chills. Also, I’m sure I’m not the only one here who makes up their own lyrics or hums along as it plays, right?


The opening to Parks and Rec is silly, fun, and hard to skip over. The music is just so enjoyable and the glimpses of all the main characters summarizing how they act is perfect. Andy Dwyer is my spirit animal.


This show is so underrated. It is a lawyer show, yes, but it spends most of the time outside of the courtroom trying to make deals It also has when of the best looking opening credits on television. Greenback Boogie By Ima Robot was a fantastic choice for theme music.


Brooklyn Nine-Nine is my new favorite comedy. I can’t tell you how many times I have this show on repeat throughout the day. Is the theme song to this show my ringtone? Yes, it is. Every time the show starts and cuts to the opening, it’s perfect. Seriously, say something clever and then hit play on the video. Even if it’s not funny, I’ll still giggle.


Every new episode opening includes a few new things, and of course, the couch gag. Even though The Simpsons has dipped in quality over the years, the opening sequence is always something that you can’t skip over, which can’t be said about some of the last few seasons. Check out the one with Banksy doing the couch gag.


The opening credits sequence to Mad Men has been parodied many times. When you watch it, it puts you into the mindset and emotional feeling of Don Draper. Also, it’s really creative (like advertising!), and the music is fantastic.


The show usually opens with Kevin Spacey breaking the fourth wall and telling some amazing thing to the audience before the opening credits spread across the screen. The piano bit got me yelled out of Guitar Center once because I kept playing it on the keyboards as employees annoyed people who were browsing. I’m not buying a $2,000 guitar, man. I’ll take that $89.99 Fender Squier, please.


No matter what you say about The Walking Dead, there is no denying that the opening credits are amazing. It has the dark, brooding imagery coupled that eerie repeated synth that is a must-watch before jumping into an episode.


The latest opening that no one could skip over this year. True Detective’s opening credits wasn’t just awesome, it was filled with clues and foreshadowing events that would take place in the series. I wonder if they’ll reuse the song in the next season? I mean, someone on TV once told me that time is a flat circle. Everything we’ve ever done or will do, we’re gonna do over and over and over again. But, probably not.

Honorable Mentions: Archer, True Blood, Shameless, Workaholics, Community, Vikings, It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia, and Louie.

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