Important ‘Game Of Thrones’ News: Hodor Is A DJ In Real Life

I know we’re going really heavy on the Game of Thrones coverage today, and I had every intention of moving on to something else after Josh’s GIF post from a few minutes ago, but then this picture of Kristian Nairn (aka HODOR) DJing popped up on my radar and I screamed “HOLD MY CALLS” into the air in my empty, secretary-less living room. I’m sure some of you were already aware that Nairn is apparently a pretty well-known DJ in his home country of Ireland, but seeing as I do not get out to the Dublin discotheques nearly as often as I used to, this was news to me.

Anyway, if you’re anything like me, you’re imagining him mumbling “Hodor. Hodor. HodorHodorHodor” to himself over and over as he wiggles and jiggles some levers to seamlessly transition from “Sandstorm” to “[insert title of second techno song].”

(Pop Culture Brain via Chris Mohney)