The Ron Swanson ‘You’re On With Ron’ Extended Cut Is All The Life Advice You’ll Ever Need

Every so often I’ll discover a video I would have posted the second I knew it was on the internet has been sitting somewhere for months and I’ve been completely ignorant to that fact. These moments force me to question every decision I’ve ever made. Now is one of those very moments as I’ve just stumbled upon the extended cut to the best scene from Parks and Recreation Season 5 that has been here for months and months.

Fair warning: the Ron Swanson cut is really not all that extended but I would have come up with an excuse to post the originally aired version the second I found it anyway. It’s just too perfect. And with today marking four weeks to the start of a guest star-laden Season 6 of Parks & Rec that’s more than reason enough.

Behold, all the advise you’ll ever need/the greatest daytime talk show ever here for perpetuity:

Update: The video has been removed my Vimeo. No luck on a replacement.

via r/P&R