Rob Lowe left behind Parks And Recreation earlier in the season and I believe we literally wept openly for a good moment. Luckily he’s not finished on television with a new pilot and he is now releasing a memoir that he stopped by the Late Show to promote. That’s how Lowe got on the topic of his kids leaving to go away to college and how he was devastated when his oldest left to go away.
So this time he’s decided to use an alternate method in order to keep from becoming a blubbering mess: Getting tore up on grandpa’s cough medicine. And I can’t blame him because drinking really does help sprinkle a little sunshine on those dark moments. At least it makes you think it does. Elsewhere in your body, things aren’t all biscuits and gravy when you go a drinkin’.
But who pays attention to that kind of stuff? Life is hard. Crack a beer or open a bottle and just relax a bit.
(Via The Late Show)