In an interview with Swiss newspaper Tagesanzeiger this week, George R. R. Martin — who is 65 years old — displayed some anger at those who express doubt that he’ll be able to finish the Song of Fire and Ice series due to his age and health. “I find that question pretty offensive,” he said. “So f**k you to those people,” Martin retorted, throwing up a middle finger.
In the interview, Martin also took umbrage with fans who complain that he attends events, like football games, or screenings, or travels instead of writing, though he also notes that he only writes at home. He will not write in hotels. Or on trains. Or in planes. So, anytime he’s away from home, he’s not writing (and because of publicity commitments to the HBO series, he is often away from home).
No. He still doesn’t know when the next book will be ready, though he also admitted in the interview that he writes slower these days. Some of that is age, while part of it is because he has to deal with merchandizing, the show, the video game, and speaking to journalists all the damn time.
However, as he’s noted before, he knows how the book series will end. David Benioff and Dan Weiss (showrunners of the HBO series) also know how it will end, although they do not necessarily need to follow Martin’s conclusion. He’s sold the rights to HBO, he says, and while he consults (and even writes an occasional episode), he technically has no say in what HBO does with the series going forward.
Source: Tagenzeiger, which has video of the interview.