Let’s Guess The Plots Of These ‘It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia’ Episodes Based Solely On Their Titles

While the new seasons typically premiere in September, It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia doesn’t come back until January with season ten, making 2014 the first full year with no It’s Always Sunny since 2005 when the series began. This is a real bummer for obvious reasons, but in the meantime IMDB has released the titles of the upcoming episodes, so at least we can wildly speculate what the episode plots of season ten are going to be — other than the usual depraved, horrible behavior from The Gang that we’ve grown to know and love.

“The Gang Beats Boggs”

OK, this one is actually the real plot description, being the sole one that was listed, so we get this one correct right off the bat: The gang try to solve world hunger by purchasing a small plot of land to start growing their own food, however Charlie ends up buying “magic beans” instead of seeds.

“Psycho Pete Returns”

Psycho Pete, the unseen friend and fellow member of Mac and Charlie’s “gang” The Freight Train in season seven’s finale “The High School Reunion Part 2,” shows up at the bar one day and tries to re-befriend Mac and Charlie, who are terrified of him. When it’s finally revealed that Psycho Pete’s intentions are, in fact, innocent — Mac and Charlie breathe a sign of relief just as police show up and arrest him for dismembering a homeless man. Guest starring Doug Benson as Psycho Pete.

“The Gang Spies Like U.S.”

After a run-in with a beleaguered middle eastern convenience store employee, The Gang become convinced that the convenience store is a front for a terrorist operation and try to “spy” on them. Charlie and Dee decide to do some on-site surveillance which allows for Dee to role play in character meanwhile Mac and Dennis try to purchase illegal surveillance technology from a shady pawn shop owner. Frank ends up crashing his car through the convenience store at the end due to a side-plot that had him accidentally ingesting mushrooms, costing the convenience store employee his job.

“Charlie Work”

Charlie decides that he’s had enough of Charlie work, so The Gang decides to try to find an intern to take on the bulk of his duties by misrepresenting a “sanitation engineering” position to the Temple University intern recruitment office. They send out an initially terrified college kid who eventually becomes Charlie’s protege, until his new lifestyle causes him to flunk out of school and get sent home.

“The Gang Goes on Family Fight”

Mac secretly applied to appear on “Family Fight,” a thinly-veiled copy of Family Feud, and succeeded. Once on the show, The Gang conspire to cheat by sabotaging the perfectly nice, wholesome African-American family they’ve been put up against, with Dennis attempting to seduce the family’s matriarch and Frank trying to slip the whole family roofies. Guest starring Tim Meadows as Steve Garvey.

“Frank Retires”

Frank decides to officially retire as an active owner of Paddy’s Pub, much to The Gang’s delight. Dennis, Mac and Charlie all come up with proposals as to make changes to the bar now that Frank will no longer be in charge that includes Charlie’s idea of wanting to turn the bar into a petting zoo that serves alcohol. But as it turns out, Frank never planned to retire and the whole thing was part of an elaborate scene to win a bet.

“The Gang Misses the Boat”

The Gang decide to have a fancy night out on one of those dinner cruises that runs along the Delaware River, but Mac and Charlie make everybody late stopping for beer to try to sneak aboard the boat and it ends up leaving without them. Not wanting to miss the evening out that they had already bought tickets for, Dee and Dennis attempt to connive the coast guard into getting them aboard while Mac and Charlie hijack a paddleboat to try to sneak on.

“Episode #10.8”

Since we have absolutely nothing to go on for this one: The Gang are hanging around the bar drinking. At some point over the course of the episode, someone calls Sweet Dee a chicken, Mac makes a homoerotic innuendo to Dennis, Charlie has a screw up due to his illiteracy and Frank pulls out a gun.

“Ass Kickers United: Going Clear”

Mac becomes enraged when he steps in a passerby’s dog’s poop that they did not pick up on his way to the bar, while Charlie shows up incensed that a bicycle messenger ran him off the sidewalk. The two decide to take on inconsiderate people by going on a mission of kicking ass around the city, wearing these outfits from “Gun Fever: Still Too Hot.” Eventually an old woman who they end up harassing for stealing a grape has them arrested.

“Mac Kills His Dad”

Mac’s dad finally returns from Tijuana and wants to try reconciling with his son again. Mac is beside himself with excitement and plans a big surprise party for his father, who promptly has a heart attack when he walks in through the door and everybody yells “surprise!” Mac is forlorn and spends the rest of the episode unsuccessfully trying to find a replacement dad in everyone from Charlie’s creepy uncle Jack to The Lawyer.