Chris Pratt Shares A Heartwarming Story About His Son’s Premature Birth

On Friday, Parks and Recreation star Chris Pratt spoke at the March of Dimes Celebration of Babies event. His son with Anna Faris, Jack, was born prematurely, weighing just 3 pounds, 12 ounces. But Jack’s happy and healthy now, something Pratt talked about in his speech.

“I’ve done all kinds of cool things as an actor — I’ve jumped out of helicopters and done some daring stunts and played baseball in a professional stadium, but none of it means anything compared to being somebody’s daddy,” Pratt said. While Jack was in the NICU, Pratt said he cherished moments where he’d cradle his son skin-to-skin. “I made promises in that moment about what kind of dad I wanted to be and I just prayed that he’d live long enough that I could keep them.”

Pratt and his wife Anna Faris were told that Jack may have special needs and would need cosmetic surgery to correct his eyes (“Welcome to the club, kid,” Pratt joked), but after about a month in the NICU, they took their son home. “Our Jack went from a small, helpless little squirt to a strong, smart, happy, funny, beautiful boy who loves monster trucks and ‘Daniel Tiger,’ and, believe it or not, loves vegetables. Broccoli and cherry tomatoes are his favorite foods.”

“None of what we went through would be as easy even 10 years ago,” he said. (Via)

If I were Jack, I’d brag to all my friends, “Yeah, my dad is in a movie where he’s on a motorcycle surrounded by raptors. NO BIG DEAL.”

Via Variety