George R.R. Martin Strikes A Devastating Blow In His Twitter Feud With North Korea (UPDATE: Uh, Whoops)

UPDATE: Turns out this was a George R.R. Martin parody account. Everything is terrible.

UPDATE #2: The DPRK account is a parody, too. What a tremendously bad post this was. Christmas is ruined.

Quick backstory: After Sony pulled The Interview from theaters in the wake of the hack that has Hollywood reeling for weeks now, Game of Thrones creator George R.R. Martin offered to screen the film in his private theater in Santa Fe, New Mexico, saying he would be “glad to screen The Interview (assuming that Sony does eventually release the film for theatrical exhibition, rather than streaming it or dumping it as a direct-to-DVD release), should it be made available to us.” Fine. Great. Wonderful.

Or rather, fine, great, and wonderful UNLESS you happen to work for North Korea’s propaganda department, DPRK News Service, which responded to Martin’s offer with this tweet yesterday.

For reference, I think it’s also worth noting that this is the same organization that tweeted a congratulations to its national soccer team for defeating America and advancing to the 2014 World Cup final despite the fact that the team did not, in the most technical sense of the word, qualify for the tournament, and therefore did not even send a team to Brazil. But anyway, Martin got wind of North Korea calling him a “propaganda stooge” and had a pretty perfect reply.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but I … I think this means the Lannisters are at war with North Korea now.