This Thursday night at 9:30 PM ET, NBC begins airing the final season of the critically-acclaimed ratings darling Parks and Recreation, which will air one episode per week for 23 weeks as its characters bid us all a fond farewell. That’s the intro that I’d be using in a perfect world, but reality is a cruel mistress. Instead, tonight at 8 PM ET, NBC begins pushing the woefully underrated Parks and Recreation out the window, running two episodes each Tuesday night until Leslie Knope and the people of Pawnee are fired on a rocket into the sunset. Whatever, it’s been a fun ride for those of us who have been following along with the antics of our favorite fictitious Hoosiers.
To honor the television legacies of this show’s wonderful characters – including the legendary Ron Swanson and Jean-Ralphio Saperstein – the latest edition of my award-winning trivia series is dedicated to Parks and Recreation. Disclaimer: I’ve watched every episode of this series a billion times (not including the first season, because… meh), which puts it in third place behind Seinfeld (a zillion times) and 30 Rock (a bagillion-fofillion-googlezillion times), so these questions seem pretty easy to me. But you should know that I went a little outside the bubble for at least two questions, so you might want to hit the Pawnee archives for help.
The show’s biggest fans should have no problem with these questions at all.