UPROXX 20: Samira Wiley Of ‘Orange Is The New Black’ Once Got A Hat From A Man She Shared Queso With

Samira Wiley

Samira Wiley is an actress probably best know for her portrayal of Poussey Washington in Netflix’s Orange is the New Black, which premiered its third season a few days ago. You may have also seen her in Person of Interest or Law & Order: Special Victims Unit.

Samira was nice enough to take a few minutes out of her busy schedule recently to answer a few questions from us.

1. You walk into a bar. What do you order from the bartender?

Buffalo wings.

2. Who’s your favorite person to follow on Twitter?

George Wallace. Man, that dude is hilarious. Has me in stitches. Go look him up @MrGeorgeWallace. If one of his tweets doesn’t make you laugh you can punch my friend in the face.

3. What’s currently waiting for you on your DVR/TiVO?

Bloodline. Just started that. More often, though, it’s got to be some Neil DeGrasse Tyson show, because in my head he’s my uncle, and it’s the family reunion, and me and all my cousins are sitting around listening to Uncle Neil tell us stories about our roots and stuff.

4. It’s your last meal — what are you going out with?

Somebody asked me this recently. I think I said Ethiopian. Think I’ll just stick with that for now. I mean, Ethiopian IS delicious, but also, I don’t know, not something I try and think about often. Maybe I just haven’t figured it out yet, but I always seem to die at the end of this scenario.

5. What websites do you visit on a regular basis?

Amazon.com, because I just got Prime, and you just…you never know! Amazon really IS like a box of chocolates. It’s so exciting!

6. What’s the most frequently played song on your mobile device?

Right now, that Maroon 5 “Sugar.” Yeah, I boogie to that one.

7. The first face that comes to mind when you think “punchable”?

Michael Cera. See, now I feel bad. I just…I said it so fast.

8. What’s the last thing you Googled?

Who is Michael Cera?

9. Dogs or cats?

Dogs, I guess.

10. Best concert of your life was…?

Beyoncé. She is truly the real MVP.

11. What book are you most likely to give as a gift?

The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho.

12. What’s the nicest thing anyone has ever done for you?

This dude gave me a hat once. It was a really nice hat. I think he was a milliner even. I only met him that day. We shared some queso together somewhere in Austin, TX. I’ve never seen him again. Pretty sure he was Santa Claus.

13. South Park or Family Guy?

South Park.

14. You have an entire day to do whatever you want. What would you do?

Go to space, but like, just real quick, though.

15. What movie can you not resist watching if it’s on?

The Incredibles. It’s ma fave.

16. The sports team or teams you’re most passionate about?

The Rockford Peaches

17. Where did you eat the best meal of your life?

Hog Island Oyster Co. in San Francisco, CA on January 26, 2015. It will forever be mine and crab hush puppies’ anniversary.

18. The last movie you saw in a theater?

Mad Max: Fury Road.

19. Who was your first celebrity crush?

Lil’ Bow Wow. In retrospect, I think I maybe just wanted to be him.

20. What would you cook if Nic Cage was coming to your house for dinner?

Nothing. Nic Cage has got to be dumb if he’s coming to my house looking for home cooking.