Donald Trump Would ‘Love’ To Add Sarah Palin To His Administration

Donald Trump is still here, which is good news and bad. Good because he’s entertaining. Bad because he hasn’t found anything better to do than troll the election process. Twitter continues to imagine terrible #WhenTrumpIsElected scenarios from all angles. One outcome we haven’t heard yet is one that could truly happen if Trump keeps progressing. Brace yourselves.

Trump paid a telephone call to Mama Grizzly Radio where he appeared on The Palin Update. Host Kevin Scholla asked the obvious question, and Trump obliged. He would “love” to see former Alaska governor Sarah Palin join his administration in any capacity. Palin considers Trump to be a “hero.” Is Trump silly enough to pull Palin as a potential VP candidate after she’s already starred on a losing ticket? Trump isn’t giving details, but he’s kissing some Palin tush:

“I’d love that. She really is somebody that knows what’s happening, and she’s a special person, she’s really a special person, and I think people know that. And she’s got a following that’s unbelievable. I still have people saying, ‘Get Sarah’s support!’ No matter where I go, everybody loves her. Like me, she’s got some people who don’t exactly love us, and we understand who they are and sort of forget about that. She has a tremendously loyal group of people out there for her.”

Trump goes on to characterize his fellow GOP candidates as “weak” and “ineffective.” He says all politicians have let veterans down, especially John McCain. Politicians are “all talk, no action, nothing’s happening.” Whereas the Palin clan preaches tolerance and spends their spare time throwing down at drunken ragers. That’s some serious “action.” Trump and Palin would be a dream team. Or a nightmare team.

Palin has yet to take a stance in the Trump vs. McCain kerfuffle. Stay tuned.

(via Mediaite)