SPOILERS, ETCETERA, for season five of Game of Thrones
Honestly if you’re not caught up on season five of Game of Thrones at this point, you should probably just turn off the internet until you’re done watching all of the episodes, because I can barely figure out not how to write a damn headline that doesn’t give everything away without just saying [REDACTED] was seen [REDACTED] in [REDACTED].
Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, despite how much the Game of Thrones showrunners object and how its been hinted that he might come back as a warg, everything else is telling us that Jon Snow is still alive — from Kit Harington’s hairstyle to this location theory. And now fueling rumors, a reader of Watchers on the Wall spotted Harington on a flight from London to Belfast on Monday night. As in, the Belfast where Game of Thrones is currently filming.
This isn’t the first time Harington has been spotted in Belfast this year, as this is at least his third trip since pre-production started. Watchers on the Wall notes that, if he was just filming a funeral scene, there would probably be no need for this many visits. Harington has also allegedly been refusing photo ops with fans.
Last but not least, there was also this nugget:
For those of you deeply invested in #HairWatch, Harington was sporting a man-bun.
MAN-BUN. Guy doesn’t just go man-bunning around unless he’s got something to hide. This has been your continuing coverage of SNOWWATCH 2015, or, as we also like to refer to it as, “Kit Harington’s Personal Hell.”