Watch Amy Schumer Drunkenly Steal Jake Gyllenhaal’s Cake And Claim She’s A Princess

Amy Schumer is usually good for an excellent story whenever she hits the late-night circuit, but her most recent talk show appearance, and her first on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, may be the best yet.

In case you haven’t noticed, Schumer is currently living the dream, and one of the perks of her newfound fame is renting Jake Gyllenhaal’s apartment with her sister.

As anyone in her situation would, she snooped through all of his stuff, obviously. Her greatest find was some old birthday cake in his freezer (at least she was invited to the party), which she proceeded to drunkenly eat late one night. Luckily for us, Schumer brought video evidence onto The Late Show, and it is some very endearing stuff.

Not only is Schumer inebriated and stuffing cake into her mouth, but she is also talking to Jake Gyllenhaal like he is actually there with her and that they’re actually dating (I ship it, you ship it? You ship it.), while also claiming to be a princess. If you claim that you wouldn’t behave in a similar fashion when in that situation, you are probably lying.

If eating stolen cake in Jake Gyllenhaal’s apartment is the new test to join the A-list, then it looks like Schumer passed with flying colors. Princess cake and boxed wine for everyone!

(Via Entertainment Weekly)