Kurt Sutter Laid Out His Plan For A ‘Sons Of Anarchy’ Prequel

Kurt Sutter is a changed man. In an interview with Deadline about his new series, FX’s The Bastard Executioner (which premieres on September 15), the Sons of Anarchy creator informs us that he’s “come to adore” Lacey Rose, the reporter he once called a “c*nt,” and he only says the words “f*ck” or “f*cking” 11 times. He’s maturing before our eyes (and bloody tongues).

Sutter also gave an update on the rumored Sons prequel, which should not be confused with a spinoff about the Mayans. “At some point I do have plans to hopefully do the prequel,” he said, “which I do see as a one-off 10- or 12-episode thing where we begin in Nam and see John Teller and Piney and see how that relationship got created, and bring them back to the States and the obvious external dynamics that were going on with the country and the perception of the war and what an odd kind of perception these vets got when they returned home.”

That sentence is as long as most Sons episodes. As for the Mayans series:

[FX executive Eric Schrier and I] were talking about the idea of doing things for other markets, like the Spanish-speaking market. I casually said I’d be open to doing something with the Mayans. It’s the same [biker] subculture, but it’d be interesting to see the influences of that culture and how it impacts the subculture we already understand. I would do a contemporary piece, not a prequel, and place it far enough away from Northern California that it wouldn’t step on the mythology that’s already been told. It doesn’t mean that there couldn’t be some cool, ironic crossovers with familiar characters as the series progressed. I wouldn’t want to set it too close to the world we already know, and step on that… My intent is, over the hiatus I’ll initiate a script for the pilot and take it from there. (Via)

Say what you will about the final seasons of Sons, but TV isn’t the same without the bracingly honest Kurt Sutter’s unique #brand of insanity. The more shows written by someone who says things like, “If I was behind on a Sons script, I’d be like, I need a dead end street because we’re going to gun down a bunch of Irish dudes” and “I really needed the physicality and for you to believe this guy could swing a 30-pound f*cking sword and be hulking and menacing,” the better.

(Via Deadline)