‘Supergirl’ Actress Melissa Benoist Responds With Class To Jeb Bush’s ‘Hot’ Comments

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So Jeb! Bush has been trying to make some sort of impact in the 2016 presidential race, with his most recent foray being some comments about comics and the new CBS show Supergirl, saying actress Melissa Benoist looks “pretty hot.” He’s getting that all-important hip middle-aged man demographic down pat.

Ahead of the premiere, Benoist appeared on CBS This Morning and got a chance to address those comments. It’s safe to say she handled it well and didn’t take them the wrong way, whipping it around for a positive message in the end:

“I heard about it, but I don’t know what I think about it,” the new “Woman of Steel” said, laughing. “I’m glad he’s excited to watch the show.”

Benoist added: “I think everyone would be able to take something from it, but I would really love to reach young girls, and to be a good role model for them.”

Look, you can’t blame Jeb! for saying what he did. He needs the press and the votes. It just sounds incredibly awkward coming from a gent who is running for president. Good on Benoist for taking it in stride, though. (Via Yahoo)

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