‘You’re The Worst’ Ended Its Second Season With Almost Everyone A Little Older And Wiser

Last week’s episode of You’re The Worst gave fans a glimmer of hope that our self-destructive protagonists weren’t going to completely devastate all of their relationships. Any tears viewers shed were happy ones rather than ones born of pain. Gretchen, Jimmy, and the rest are still stumbling around in the dark, but as they bump into each other, they are clinging tighter instead of pushing each other away. Things aren’t and will never be perfect, but most of them seem to be making the kind of decisions that lead to healthier relationships instead of the toxic ones that have come to typify the show.

As they eat breakfast in the opener, Gretchen informs Jimmy that she’s starting to feel human again and that “maybe he can fix her.” However, things get tense when she informs him that she’s never taken medication or spoken to a therapist about her depression because she doesn’t want to lose her edge. Jimmy, with his classic British exasperation, can’t believe that she wouldn’t take the necessary steps to deal with her advanced depression, instead choosing to put the impetus on him to deal with her darkness and take care of her. There is no single way or miracle cure to deal with depression, but I have to side with Jimmy here. You can’t depend on one person to save you.

Jimmy takes this revelation as an excuse to get next-level drunk, and what better place to get smashed than a baby shower? It wouldn’t be a You’re the Worst finale without a horrifyingly awkward party at Becca and Vernon’s, and this one does not disappoint. As Vernon hides trash juice in old popcorn tins, Jimmy hits up the open bar, becoming increasingly agitated that no one is ever around to take care of him. Edgar soon arrives with Dorothy, and before he can really tell the increasingly drunk Jimmy that he wants to move out and live with Dorothy, Jimmy, terrible friend that he is, projects his own frustrations onto Edgar’s relationship. Instead of encouraging his friend to be his own man and commit, he convinces him that Dorothy is asking for more than Edgar can give and that he should cut his loses and leave. Edgar, impressionable as always, tells Dorothy that he isn’t ready to move in, she leaves in tears, and they seemingly break up.

Elsewhere at the party, Lindsay is dealing with the news of her pregnancy, and makes the terrible mistake of telling the vindictive Becca that yes, she is pregnant with Paul’s baby, and no, she probably isn’t going to keep it or tell him because she doesn’t want to trap him in a relationship he doesn’t want. In her anger at being upstaged yet again on “her day” and because Becca is truly the worst, she immediately goes and “accidentally” tells Paul about the baby. Paul, compelled by his moral compass and his roiling gut to do what he thinks is right, breaks up with Amy and recommits to Lindsay and their baby, reminding her of his previous statement that love is putting the needs of someone else before your own. Lindsay, caught up in the moment and the promise of security once again, says “Yes.” Elsewhere, Vernon is losing his sh*t over his financial situation. Somehow, giving control of his finances to a strange woman to satisfy a fetish isn’t panning out so well for him.

Before heading to the party, Gretchen goes to Nina’s bar to scope out her competition, things get weird, and she is satisfied that Jimmy’s previous infidelity was a one-off thing. When she finally makes it to Vernon and Becca’s, Jimmy is drunker than Edgar’s ever seen him, but while he was angry at Gretchen earlier, the alcohol brings out the truth. He describes her as the Sunday crossword: more difficult and will take you all day, but definitely worth it. His speech inspires Edgar to go find Dorothy and work things out and Vernon to come clean about their money to Becca. It’s all as hideously awkward as one would expect from You’re the Worst, but it’s a touching moment nonetheless. While it appears that all four couples have reached a new and better stage in their respective relationships, one starts to crumble as soon as it starts. Despite momentary happiness at being back together with Paul, Lindsay’s face falls as soon as she sees his old-timey motorcycle with a sidecar. She remembers how trapped she was in that relationship previously, and has once again gotten herself trapped again.

Back at home, and after Jimmy has sobered up, Gretchen tells him that she is going to seek treatment for her depression because putting all of that on Jimmy isn’t fair to either of them. Also, apparently in the haze of drunkeness, Jimmy had said something “really dark” to her, and she told him that she wouldn’t tell him what it was. Instead, she just says a simple “I love you, too.” These two have come through a season of trials, bad behavior, and growing pains and have come out the other side a better and stronger couple. That is a bit of a miracle.