It’s pretty normal for actors and actresses to take a few mementos from a set they’ve worked on here and there, and one might think that for a seminal series like Breaking Bad, the cast would take whatever they could get their hands on. While promoting Hulu’s The Path — which just got picked up for a second season — Aaron Paul told Seth Meyers exactly that.
“I got a bunch of… I really took everything I could from that show,” Paul laughed. But as Meyers reminded him, nothing compares to the crown jewel that he managed to score, which is none other than Gus Fring’s blown apart prosthetic head from the season four finale. For some reason, Giancarlo Esposito must not have wanted it?
At any rate, Paul says that he keeps Gus Fring’s mangled head in his media room, and makes a point to not give people a head’s up (PUN INTENDED) before entering the room for maximum “holy sh*t” factor. Parties at Aaron Paul’s house sound like fun.