All The Reasons ‘Futurama’ Fans Love Calculon, The 31st Century’s Greatest Actor

Great Shatner’s Ghost! It’s time to look back at the career of the hammiest actor of the 31st century. Did he overact a tad on All My Circuits? Sure, but we love him anyway, so let’s pay tribute to the world greatest acting unit!

He knows that the key to a good scene is a dramatic… PAUSE!

When the script calls for him to say ‘yes,’ he gives it a little twist:

Yeah, he leaned on that one a lot:

He takes time to thank the people who made him what he is today:

He understands that it’s not always about him:

While he lost at the World Acting Championships, it certainly wasn’t for lack of trying:

He’s not afraid to be brutally honest:

He was willing to confront some rather harsh realities:

Finally, we’ll remember him for his grace and humility: