Two New ‘American Horror Story’ Trailers Show More Creepy Possibilities For Season Six

FX’s anthology-based horror show, American Horror Story, has taken a new approach to each and every season, with the upcoming sixth season being no different. The only real change is that they aren’t announcing what the theme will be for the upcoming season just yet, instead, they are releasing a series of creepy trailers meant to confuse and misdirect fans as to the next season’s contents. Are you confused yet? Either way, good. That’s what they want.

The latest two trailers of what is promised to be a buttload of maybe fake, maybe real trailers are out and they are, of course, pretty creepy. The first trailer shows a pitchfork being dragged across a wooden floor by a woman (presumably) in a long skirt and boots, inside of a dark, foreboding room, through some sort of black muck before it clears slime and leaves marks trailing across the floor. It ends with a question mark and a 6 etched into wood in the same black goo.

The second one is a bit shorter, showing a woman bent over a filthy-looking tub, her hair trailing off towards the drain, in the shape of a question mark and the number 6. Okay, I think we get that one. As the camera pulls back, the head quickly spins and reveals that the woman has no face, only a giant, gaping maw of razor-sharp teeth.

Just like we’ve seen from past trailers for season six, there isn’t much information as to what to expect in the next season of American Horror Story, just generally creepy, offsetting things.

(Via ONTD)