Watch This Performance From ‘American Psycho: The Musical’ Before You Return Videotapes

Bret Easton-Ellis’ American Psycho novel, released in 1991, was a divisive and brutish satire on masculinity and consumer culture that spared no detail in the horrors someone would partake in to get their jollies. The 2000 movie, which perfectly cast Christian Bale, wasn’t nearly as dark, but splitting the differences on varying shades of black are a fool’s errand. American Psycho is bleak and awful, but for better or worse, the film created Patrick Bateman, who has gone on to be one of the most quoted and meme’d characters in pop culture over the last decade and a half. Granted, half of the quotes are about Phil Collins, but I digress. Naturally, this means American Psycho would adapt well into a Broadway musical, right? Wall Street and its uncaring nature is in the zeitgeist now, so what’s better than to sing and dance about it all?

Originally put up in London by former-Doctor Who Matt Smith, Benjamin Walker and the cast of American Psycho: The Musical stopped by The Late Show with Stephen Colbert to show off their musical chops. Get it? Chops. Because American Psycho? I’m so sorry.

It’s an interesting take on the seemingly everlasting and uber-dark tale of Patrick Bateman, and one that will probably have plenty of people tapping their toes that are firmly attached to their bodies.

(Via The Late Show)