The Best Moments And Most Repeatable Lines From The Expanded ‘Archer’ Season Finale

Part II of the Archer season finale had the gang trying to get to a doctor’s brain from his foot. It’s either that, or no more spying. Let’s see how that turned out.

To get to the brain, the group hitched a ride through an open vein, or as Archer put it…

At which point, Ray chose a horrible time to stand up.

But they got to brain. Unfortunately, so did a bunch of leukocytes.

Also, TV’s Micheal Grey was there, sucking up all the oxygen.

The clot had to be dealt with directly, so Archer got a laser backpack…

… and thrombolysed the sh*t out of it.

There was time to spare.

And we got Ray’s crippling out of the way early.


Yeah, the mission was a failure. The CIA didn’t even provide a ride home.

This didn’t bring Archer down.

As for the future…

We won’t be hearing about these thoughts for another nine months. I’ll be spending most of that time getting sh*tty off rib eyes and scotch.